Coix Tea
Coix seed, also known as pearl barley, Job’s tears, or Chinese pearl barley, belongs to the family Gramineae.
Job’s tears is an important crop used as food in Asian countries. Also, it is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and mainly cultivated in provinces like Fujian, Zhejiang, Liaoning, and Hebei of China.
The seeds are egg-shaped or oval-shaped, with a slightly sweet taste and a milky white outer surface.
Health Benefits
Treatment of allergy
Strengthen the immune system
Lower cholesterol
Cancer prevention
Treatment of endocrine disorders
Gastrointestinal benefits
reduce weight
Coix Tea
Coix seed, also known as pearl barley, Job’s tears, or Chinese pearl barley, belongs to the family Gramineae.
Job’s tears is an important crop used as food in Asian countries. Also, it is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and mainly cultivated in provinces like Fujian, Zhejiang, Liaoning, and Hebei of China.
The seeds are egg-shaped or oval-shaped, with a slightly sweet taste and a milky white outer surface.
Health Benefits
Treatment of allergy
Strengthen the immune system
Lower cholesterol
Cancer prevention
Treatment of endocrine disorders
Gastrointestinal benefits
reduce weight