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Pumpkin Protein


Pumpkin Protein low in the essential amino acids threonine and lysinebut it contains high minerals and essential fatty acids. Its beneficial plant compounds may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Botanical source: Cucurbita moschata Duch.

Part used: Seeds

Purity: Protein≥60%
Testing method: Kjeldahl determination
Appearance: Light yellowish green powder
Particle size: 80 mesh


This low-fat, plant-based protein can improve a human’s immunity, lower his/her risks for cardiovascular disease, increase muscle mass and endurance, heighten mental focus, and burn fat.

Dietary supplement, Beverage, Food.

Product details

The information of Pumpkin Protein
Pumpkin Protein low in the essential amino acids threonine and lysinebut it contains high minerals and essential fatty acids. Its beneficial plant compounds may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Botanical source: Cucurbita moschata Duch.

Part used: Seeds

Purity: Protein≥60%
Testing method: Kjeldahl determination
Appearance: Light yellowish green powder
Particle size: 80 mesh


This low-fat, plant-based protein can improve a human’s immunity, lower his/her risks for cardiovascular disease, increase muscle mass and endurance, heighten mental focus, and burn fat.

Dietary supplement, Beverage, Food.