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Moringa seed oil is an oil extracted from the seeds of Moringa tree which is also known as the Drumstick tree. Moringa seed oil also has another name, it is often called Ben oil,  because of the high amounts of behenic acid in the moringa seed oil.

Moringa seed oil has been proven scientifically to be very useful oil, these health benefits of Moringa seed Oil has also been documented in the medicinal books of Greece and Rome. Nowadays, moringa seed oil is being used for numerous industrial applications. Apart from that. moringa seed oil is also great for topical use on the skin and the hair. Moringa seed oil can also be used cooking purpose, it is known to bring a soft, appealing taste to the foods.

Product details

Moringa Seed Oil

Product name: Moringa Seed Oil

Appearance: yellow transparent oily liquid

Production process: Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction

Main ingredient: Unsaturated fatty acid

Extraction source: Moringa seeds

Clinical application: oral, topical



Moringa seed oil is an oil extracted from the seeds of Moringa tree which is also known as the Drumstick tree. Moringa seed oil also has another name, it is often called Ben oil,  because of the high amounts of behenic acid in the moringa seed oil.

Moringa seed oil has been proven scientifically to be very useful oil, these health benefits of Moringa seed Oil has also been documented in the medicinal books of Greece and Rome. Nowadays, moringa seed oil is being used for numerous industrial applications. Apart from that. moringa seed oil is also great for topical use on the skin and the hair. Moringa seed oil can also be used cooking purpose, it is known to bring a soft, appealing taste to the foods.


Health benefits

1. Benefits of moringa seed oil for the skin
Pacifies dry skin、Anti acne and helps with acne scars、Adds gloss to the skin、Fight fungal infections、Anti aging.

2. Moringa Oil for Hair
Moringa seed oil is just as good for the hair as it is for the skin. It can be used as a hot oil conditioner to deal with nearly any hair related problem. This also helps to moisturize your hair, well nourished the roots of your hair, anti dandruff, adds shine and gloss to the hair and make it look beautiful.

3. Liver health
Studies have shown that internal consumption of moringa seed oil lowered this signal levels in damaged liver damaged by a toxin. Moringa seed oil can also help liver which has been infected by viruses like hepatitis B.

4. Rheumatic Oil
It can be applied directly to painful arthritic joints or to be used as an oil pack which is so beneficial. Moringa seed oil is also effective at reducing swelling and inflammation, which also provides you relief from the pain.

5. It can even be used to stable your emotions and helps to deal with depression.