• 651.Thymus-Serpyllum-Extract-Powder-10%-Thymol.jpg


Thymus Serpyllum Extract Powder

Latin Name: Thymus serpyllumL 
Spec: 10% Thymol



Thymus serpyllum or wild thyme,  is a specie of flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae, native to most of Europe and North Africa but found in North America too. It is a low, usually prostrate subshrub growing few centimeters tall with creeping stems up to 10 cm long. The oval evergreen leaves are small as the strongly scented flowers that are either pink-purple and produced in clusters. The hardy plant tolerates some pedestrian traffic and produces odors ranging from heavily herbal to lightly lemon.


Thymus serpyllum is the Breckland thyme plant, a herb native to Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. Thymus serpyllum is different from Thymus vulgaris, the variety of thyme that’s commonly used as a herb in cooking.

Product details

Thymus Serpyllum Extract Powder

Latin Name: Thymus serpyllumL 
Spec: 10% Thymol



Thymus serpyllum or wild thyme,  is a specie of flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae, native to most of Europe and North Africa but found in North America too. It is a low, usually prostrate subshrub growing few centimeters tall with creeping stems up to 10 cm long. The oval evergreen leaves are small as the strongly scented flowers that are either pink-purple and produced in clusters. The hardy plant tolerates some pedestrian traffic and produces odors ranging from heavily herbal to lightly lemon.


Thymus serpyllum is the Breckland thyme plant, a herb native to Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. Thymus serpyllum is different from Thymus vulgaris, the variety of thyme that’s commonly used as a herb in cooking.



Thymus serpyllum health benefits include having natural antibacterial properties, making Thymus serpyllum a good natural remedy for H. pylori infections that cause digestive issues and stomach ulcers. Thymus serpyllum also has benefits for skin health in treating acne and disinfecting wounds and cuts. Thymus serpyllum is also used to help treat coughs and bronchitis.