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Appearance: Tan liquid or light yellow

Odor: Characteristic odor

Raw Material: Natural camellia seeds

Product details

The information of Camellia Oil


Camellia oil, also known as tea seed oil is the actual green tea oil. It comes from the seeds of Camellia silences, the plant from which all the tea is made. Tea seed oil is a wonderfully healthy in more ways than one. It is great for cooking, and from nutritional point of view. Tea seed oil is used in a number of beauty products. This oil has been used as a cooking for centuries in Southern China and they make many more uses with it. Camellia oil is extracted from the seeds of the tea plant. That makes it the real tea oil.


Production Craft: Cold press

Product Name: Camellia Oil

Appearance: Tan liquid or light yellow

Odor: Characteristic odor

Raw Material: Natural camellia seeds



It is also good for skin care, bone health, reducing the risk of cancer cell growth, boosting the immune system, and protecting against oxidative stress, among others. Camellia oil is also commonly known as tea seed oil, as it is the essential oil from the seeds of the tea plant.