• Yeast Zinc Chewable Tablets.png

Yeast Zinc Chewable Tablets

Yeast zinc absorbs and transforms zinc during the growth of yeast. Zinc combines with yeast protein and polysaccharide to form pure zinc. It also provides sufficient carrier for zinc absorption, non-toxic side effects and gastrointestinal stimulation. At the same time, the bioavailability is up to more than 70%.

Yeast zinc has a variety of important physiological functions for human body, such as enhancing immunity, promoting growth and development, improving appetite and dark adaptation.

Health function: Develop immunity from disease.

Suitable for people with Low immunity.

Directions: One pcs per serving, once a day.

Specification: 50 Tablets

Shelf life: 24 months

Product details

Yeast Zinc Chewable Tablets

Yeast zinc absorbs and transforms zinc during the growth of yeast. Zinc combines with yeast protein and polysaccharide to form pure zinc. It also provides sufficient carrier for zinc absorption, non-toxic side effects and gastrointestinal stimulation. At the same time, the bioavailability is up to more than 70%.

Yeast zinc has a variety of important physiological functions for human body, such as enhancing immunity, promoting growth and development, improving appetite and dark adaptation.

Health function: Develop immunity from disease.

Suitable for people with Low immunity.

Directions: One pcs per serving, once a day.

Specification: 50 Tablets

Shelf life: 24 months


Storage: Seal and keep in a cool and dry place.

Caution: This product is not a substitute for drugs; Better not exceed the dosage recommended or use this product with similar nutritional supplements at the same time.

Batch number and date of production: see the package

Place of production: Shanghai, China

Contact information:

Supplied by Shanghai Brightol International Co.,Ltd.

Address: Room1511,No.1 Bodun Plaze ,Rongle Rd(East)2369,Songjiang District ,Shanghai ,China 201613