
Product Name: Huperzine A 98%

Synonyms: (-)-Selagine

Molecular Formula: C15H18N2O

Molecular Weight: 242.32

CAS Registry Number: 102518-79-6


Huperzine A is a substance extracted from a plant called Chinese club moss (Huperzia serrata). Sold as a dietary supplement, huperzine A is typically touted as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease.Used in alternative medicine, huperzine A has been found to act as a cholinesterase inhibitor, a type of medicine used to prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine (a chemical essential to learning and memory)...

Product details

Product Name: Huperzine A 98%

Synonyms: (-)-Selagine

Molecular Formula: C15H18N2O

Molecular Weight: 242.32

CAS Registry Number: 102518-79-6



Huperzine A is a substance extracted from a plant called Chinese club moss (Huperzia serrata). Sold as a dietary supplement, huperzine A is typically touted as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease.Used in alternative medicine, huperzine A has been found to act as a cholinesterase inhibitor, a type of medicine used to prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine (a chemical essential to learning and memory).


Not only used as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease, huperzine A is also said to enhance learning and memory and to protect against age-related cognitive decline.

In addition, huperzine A is sometimes used to boost energy, increase alertness, fight depression, and aid in the treatment of myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disorder that affects the muscles. 


Health Benefit

1. Improves working memory

2. Boosts concentration and focus

3. Increases your ability to learn

4. Improves information retention

5. Provides the body with neuroprotective effects