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Product Name: Houttuyniae Oil

Appearance: Yellow liquid

Main ingredients: Houttuynia cordata

Clinical application: Skincare Products

Extraction source: Houttuynia

Part: Leaves

Shelf life:2 Years

Production process: Supercritical CO2



Houttuynia cordata Thunb. Is the aerial part of Houttuynia cordata Thunb. It has the functions of clearing away heat and toxin, diuresis and relieving gonorrhea. It can be used for the treatment of lung abscess, expectoration, phlegm heat, asthma, heat dysentery, heat drenching, carbuncle, sore and toxin. The volatile oil extracted from Houttuynia cordata Thunb contains antibacterial components such as houttuynin, methyl-n-nonylketone, laurene, lauraldehyde, octanal, decanal, etc. the leaves contain flavonoids such as quercetin, isoquercetin, renoside, etc.

Product details

Product Name: Houttuyniae Oil

Appearance: Yellow liquid

Main ingredients: Houttuynia cordata

Clinical application: Skincare Products

Extraction source: Houttuynia

Part: Leaves

Shelf life:2 Years

Production process: Supercritical CO2

Odour: Fresh smell

Storage:Cool dry place



Houttuynia cordata Thunb. Is the aerial part of Houttuynia cordata Thunb. It has the functions of clearing away heat and toxin, diuresis and relieving gonorrhea. It can be used for the treatment of lung abscess, expectoration, phlegm heat, asthma, heat dysentery, heat drenching, carbuncle, sore and toxin. The volatile oil extracted from Houttuynia cordata Thunb contains antibacterial components such as houttuynin, methyl-n-nonylketone, laurene, lauraldehyde, octanal, decanal, etc. the leaves contain flavonoids such as quercetin, isoquercetin, renoside, etc.



1. Allergy

The benefits of Houttuynia cordata include its use as a natural antihistamine to help treat seasonal allergic symptoms.

2. Asthma

Houttuynia cordata is related to improving respiratory function and can help treat asthma.

3. Bronchitis

Houttuynia cordata has natural antiviral and antibacterial properties, which can help the body fight against respiratory tract infections, such as bronchitis.

4. Cough

Houttuynia can help strengthen the immune system and make the body better resistant to coughing.

5. Gastritis

Houttuynia cordata can support the digestive system and prevent gastritis by resisting harmful bacteria and promoting the growth of healthy bacteria.