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Rhodiola Rosea Extract

Latin Name: Rhodiola Rosea
Spec: 3% Salidroside(HPLC)



Rhodiola rosea (R. rosea), also known as “golden root”, is an adaptogen herb with tremendous fat-burning, energy-enhancing and brain-boosting power. Adaptogens including Rhodiola are a group of plants that can help your body adapt to physical, chemical, and environmental stress. Rhodiola is one of the most effective in this family, due to containing active compounds like rosoavin that have the ability to help balance stress hormone including, cortisol.

Product details

Rhodiola Rosea Extract

Latin Name: Rhodiola Rosea
Spec: 3% Salidroside(HPLC)



Rhodiola rosea (R. rosea), also known as “golden root”, is an adaptogen herb with tremendous fat-burning, energy-enhancing and brain-boosting power. Adaptogens including Rhodiola are a group of plants that can help your body adapt to physical, chemical, and environmental stress. Rhodiola is one of the most effective in this family, due to containing active compounds like rosoavin that have the ability to help balance stress hormone including, cortisol.


This unique herb that is a member of the rhodiola genera in the Crassulaceae plant family grows at high altitudes in the arctic areas of Asia and Eastern Europe. Rhodiola rosea has been a part of traditional medicine systems practiced across the world, especially in parts of Europe, Asia and Russia, for many centuries. Historically, Rhodiola has a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially for improving stamina and reducing stress. The Vikings also used Rhodiola to enhance physical strength, while the Sherpa people used it to climb at high altitudes, including up Mt. Everest.



1)     Helps Burn More Belly Fat

2)     Increases Energy and Athletic Performance

3)     May Help Fight Physical & Mental Fatigue

4)     Helps Lower Cortisol

5)     Can Help Fight Depression and Improve Brain Function